
Showing posts from June, 2024

Week 20: Friday (6/28)

Here is our last day of Grade 1. I hope everyone is ready for the next level, Grade 2! 💫 Please do the Holiday Homework  due for the beginning of next semester. Hand it to your homeroom teacher. Instructions are on the homework sheet. Let me know if you have any questions. Well done,  I am proud of how far everyone has come! Have a wonderful rest. 😪 Thank you! Tr. Megan 😊

Week 20: Thursday (6/27)

For   homework , Reading:  Continue reading  R.S 1.3 , pages  P122-141  📘 🐸 📖📑📚 Bubble Book: - Check corrections  - Check if there is a star ' * ', you will need to write the sentence again. -  Here is the  PPT  for Vocabulary Words Week 20:  W20 PPT Thank you, Tr. Megan 😊

Week 20: Wednesday (6/26)

For   homework , Reading:  Continue reading  R.S 1.3 , pages  P122-141  📘 🐸                                                                                                                                                                  📖📑📚 Bubble Book: -   Neatly  write out V ocabulary Words  15 - 20 (x4)   in the   Bubble Book . - Corrections  - Check if there is a star ' * ', you will need to write the sentence again. - Write the date at the top  -   Wednesday, 6/26 - Write the VWs and number;  15-20 - Then write 3 sentences and number each one;  1, 2, 3 For example: 1.  Wash your fruit to get rid of germs ! 2.   Were you here first ? 3.  I need a new shirt . - Underline each VW in each sentence. -  Here is the  PPT  for Vocabulary Words Week 20:  W20 PPT Thank you, Tr. Megan 😊            

Week 20: Tuesday (6/25)

For   homework , Reading:  Continue reading  R.S 1.3 , pages  P122-141  📘 🐸                                                                                                                                   📖📑📚 Bubble Book: -   Neatly  write out V ocabulary Words  8 - 14 (x4)   in the   Bubble Book . - Corrections  - Check if there is a star ' * ', you will need to write the sentence again. - Write the date at the top  -   Tuesday, 6/25 - Write the VWs and number;  8-14 - Then write 3 sentences and number each one;  1, 2, 3 For example: 1.  That is a very large  fish. 2.  If the lights go out, we will light some candle s. 3.  Toad read a nice poem to his seeds. - Underline each VW in each sentence. -  Here is the  PPT  for Vocabulary Words Week 20:  W20 PPT Thank you, Tr. Megan 😊            

Week 20: Monday (6/24)

For   homework , Reading:  Continue reading  R.S 1.3 , pages  P122-141  📘 🐸 ✅Worksheet: - Answers found in  LINE . Due Wednesday  (6/26)                                                                                                                                                                     📖📑📚 Bubble Book: -   Neatly  write out V ocabulary Words  1 - 7 (x4)   in the   Bubble Book . - Corrections  - Check if there is a star ' * ', you will need to write the sentence again. - Write the date at the top  -   Monday, 6/24 - Write the VWs and number;  1-7 - Then write 3 sentences and number each one;  1, 2, 3 For example: 1.  An octopus has eight arm s, but I only have two  arm s. 2.  The birthday  party  was a lot of fun. 3.  Is that a frog or a  toad ? - Underline each VW in each sentence. -  Here is the  PPT  for Vocabulary Words Week 20:  W20 PPT Thank you, Tr. Megan 😊            

Week 19: Friday (6/21)

All 3 exams will be returned today. ✨ For   homework : -  Read  R.S 1.3 , pages  P122-141  📘 🐸 - Preview Week 20 vocabulary words - W20 word search 📖📑📚  Bubble Book: -   Neatly  write out V ocabulary Words  11 - 20 (x4)   in the   Bubble Book . - Corrections  - Check if there is a star ' * ', you will need to write the sentence again. - Write the date at the top  -   Friday, 6/21 - Write the VWs and number;  11-20 - Then write 3 sentences and number each one;  1, 2, 3 For example: 1.  Raise your hand to ask a question. 2.  Oops, I drop ped the egg! 3.   Did I leave my   scarf   in the   garden ? - Underline each VW in each sentence. -  Here is the  PPT  for Vocabulary Words Week 19:  W19 PPT Thank you, Tr. Megan 😊      

Week 19: Thursday (6/20)

For   homework : -  Read  R.S 1.3 , pages  P122-141  📘 🐸 ✅Worksheet: -  Answers found in  LINE . Due Monday  (6/24) 📖📑📚 Bubble Book: -   Neatly  write out V ocabulary Words  1 - 10 (x4)   in the   Bubble Book . - Corrections  - Check if there is a star ' * ', you will need to write the sentence again. - Write the date at the top  -   Thursday, 6/20 - Write the VWs and number;  1-10 - Then write 3 sentences and number each one;  1, 2, 3 For example: 1.  Hurry up! The movie is going to start ! 2.   March is a beautiful time of year. 3.  Are you afraid of the dark ? - Underline each VW in each sentence. -  Here is the  PPT  for Vocabulary Words Week 19:  W19 PPT Thank you, Tr. Megan 😊

Week 19: Wednesday (6/19)

For   homework : -  Continue reading  R.S 1.3 , pages  P122-141  📘 🐸 Thank you, Tr. Megan 😊

Week 19: Tuesday (6/18)

For   homework : -  Start reading  R.S 1.3 , pages  P122-134  📘 🐸  All the best with each exam this week! Thank you, Tr. Megan 😊

Week 19: Monday (6/17)

For   homework : -  Read  R.S 1.2 , pages  ? -  Choose the story you like! -> ' Ruby in Her Own Time ' or ' The Class Pet ' Get ready for tomorrow's Writing Exam! (6/18) ✨ Thank you, Tr. Megan 😊

Week 18: Friday (6/14)

For   homework : -  Read  R.S 1.3 , pages  92-105  📘 🐭 --> ' The Class Pet ' will be in the  English written exam (6/18) .   - Preview Week 19 vocabulary words - W19  wordsearch 📖📑📚 Bubble Book: - Corrections  - Check if there is a star ' * ', you will need to write the word again 4x. -   Neatly  write out  Week 17  v ocabulary words  1 - 20  and one sentence   in the   bubble book . - Write the date at the top  -   Friday, 6/14 - Write the vocabulary words and number;  1 - 20 1. score         2. fork             3. horn         4. core 5. thorn         6. storm          7. branch      8. fur 9. learn        10. problem    11. idea       12. cheer 13. clap       14. laugh        1 5. upset     16. corner 1 7. forty     18. bored       19. story        20. pork -  Here is the  PPT  for Vocabulary Words Week 17:  W17 PPT Have a good weekend! 👋

Week 18: Thursday (6/13)

For   homework : -  Read  R.S 1.3 , pages  48-73  📘 🦆 --> ' Ruby in Her Own Time ' will be in the  English written exam (6/18) . 📖📑📚 Bubble Book: - Corrections  - Check if there is a star ' * ', you will need to write the word again 4x. -   Neatly  write out  Week 16  v ocabulary words  1 - 20  and one sentence   in the   bubble book . - Write the date at the top  -   Thursday, 6/13 - Write the vocabulary words and number;  1 - 20 1. porch         2. short        3. corn         4. store 5. more          6. shorts      7. very         8. car 9. away        10. our         11. house     12. school 13. friends    14. glass     1 5. lesson      16. stripe 1 7. pellet     18. rise       19. cloth        20. cotton -  Here is the  PPT  for Vocabulary Words Week 16:  W16 PPT ⭐⭐⭐ Conversation patterns for speaking practice :  Week 17-18 -  I can't __________. ⭐⭐⭐ Have a terrific Thursday! 👋

Week 18: Wednesday (6/12)

For   homework : -  Read  R.S 1.3 , pages  92-105  📘 🐭 --> ' The Class Pet ' will be in the  English written exam (6/18) . 📖📑📚 Bubble Book: - Corrections  - Check if there is a star ' * ', you will need to write the word again 4x. -   Neatly  write out  Week 15  v ocabulary words  1 - 20  and one sentence   in the   bubble book . - Write the date at the top  -   Wednesday, 6/12 - Write the vocabulary words and number;  1 - 20 1. swing            2. rink              3. blank          4. rang 5. sunk             6. spring          7. pancakes    8. basketball 9. flagpole       10. sidewalk    11. howling     12. hatch 13. sunlight     14. beak           1 5. breeze       16. agreed 1 7. precious   18. broad       19. beautiful    20. soared -  Here is the  PPT  for Vocabulary Words Week 15:  W15 PPT Have a great Wednesday! 👋

Week 18: Tuesday (6/11) Review Week

For   homework : -  Read  R.S 1.3 , pages  48-73  📘 🦆 --> ' Ruby in Her Own Time ' will be in the  English written exam (6/18) . ✅Review Worksheet: - Answers found in  LINE . Due Friday  (6/14) 📖📑📚 Bubble Book: -   Neatly  write out  Week 14  v ocabulary words  1 - 20  and one sentence   in the   bubble book . - Write the date at the top  -   Tuesday, 6/11 - Write the vocabulary words and number;  1 - 20 1. bring              2.  trunk            3. pink         4. bank 5. sang            6. think           7. bring        8. honk 9. skunk         10. ever          11. sure      12. were 13. enough    14. every         1 5. any         16. own 1 7. football   18. baseball   19. laptop    20. swingset -  Here is the  PPT  for Vocabulary Words Week 14:  W14 PPT Have a fantastic Tuesday! 👋

Week 17: Friday (6/7)

For   homework : -  Read  R.S 1.3 , pages  52-73  📘 🦆 --> ' Ruby in Her Own Time ' will be in the  English written exam (6/18) . ✅Mock Exam: This worksheet is a similar set up to the oral exam (6/14). - Answers found in  LINE . Here are the  A1 Test results : 100%       - 6 students (Well done! 🙌) > 90%     - 19 students > 80%     - 7 students > 70%     - 1 student 1 student absent Please sign the top right box on the  Test , keep it inside the Communication Book and return it to school on Monday. Once I've written  'OK'  on it, it'll be sent back home for you to keep.🏡 Test corrections: -  Correct any mistakes on the test. 📖📑📚 Bubble Book: - Corrections  - Check if there is a star ' * ', you will need to write the sentence again. -   Neatly  write out  Week 13  v ocabulary words  1 - 20  and one sentence   in the   bubble book . - Write the date at the top  -   Friday, 6/7 - Write the vocabulary words and number;  1 - 20 1. puppy     

Week 17: Thursday (6/6)

For   homework , Reading: -  We will continue reading  'The Class Pet'🐁 , from pages  92-105  in our  Reading Street (1.3)  books. ⭐Study hard for tomorrow's story test (6/7) .   📖📑📚 Bubble Book: - Check corrections  - Check if there is a star ' * ', you will need to write the sentence again. -  Here is the  PPT  for Vocabulary Words Week 17:  W17 PPT Thank you, Tr. Megan 😊

Week 17: Wednesday (6/5)

For   homework , Reading: -  We will continue reading  'The Class Pet'🐁 , from pages  92-105  in our  Reading Street (1.3)  books. ✅Worksheet: -  Answers found in  LINE . Due Friday  (6/8) 📖📑📚 Bubble Book: -   Neatly  write out V ocabulary Words  15 - 20 (x4)   in the   Bubble Book . - Corrections  - Check if there is a star ' * ', you will need to write the sentence again. - Write the date at the top  -   Wednesday, 6/5 - Write the VWs and number;  15 - 20 - Then write 3 sentences and number each one;  1 - 3 For example: 1.  There are almost  forty  students in the class. 2.  How does the  story  end? 3.  Some people don't like  pork . - In each sentence, underline each VW used. -  Here is the  PPT  for Vocabulary Words Week 17:  W17 PPT Thank you, Tr. Megan 😊         Dear parents,   Exams will be held on:   l   Listening Exam – Wednesday, June 12 th , 2024 l   Oral Exam – Friday, June 14th, 2024 l   Written Exam –Tuesday, June 18th, 2024  

Week 17: Tuesday (6/4)

For   homework , Reading: -  We will continue reading  'The Class Pet'🐁 , from pages  92-105  in our  Reading Street (1.3)  books. 📖📑📚 Bubble Book: -   Neatly  write out V ocabulary Words  8 - 14 (x4)   in the   Bubble Book . - Corrections  - Check if there is a star ' * ', you will need to write the sentence again. - Write the date at the top  -   Tuesday, 6/4 - Write the VWs and number;  8 - 14 - Then write 3 sentences and number each one;  1 - 3 For example: 1.  The kit's  fur  is so soft! 2.  How can we  fix  the problem? 3.  I have a  great  idea. - In each sentence, underline each VW used. -  Here is the  PPT  for Vocabulary Words Week 17:   W17 PPT Thank you, Tr. Megan 😊        

Week 17: Monday (6/3)

For   homework , Reading: -  We will continue reading  'The Class Pet'🐁 , from pages  92-105  in our  Reading Street (1.3)  books. ✅Worksheet: -  Answers found in  LINE . Due Wednesday  (6/5) 📖📑📚 Bubble Book: -   Neatly  write out V ocabulary Words  1 - 7 (x4)   in the   Bubble Book . - Corrections  - Check if there is a star ' * ', you will need to write the sentence again. - Write the date at the top  -   Monday, 6/3 - Write the VWs and number;  1 - 7 - Then write 3 sentences and number each one;  1 - 3 For example: 1.  The girls  score  the highest points! 2.  Do you need a  fork  or chopsticks? 3.  There is a  storm  today, so we cannot go to the park. - In each sentence, underline each VW used. -  Here is the  PPT  for Vocabulary Words Week 17:  W17 PPT Thank you, Tr. Megan 😊