Week 18: Thursday (6/13)

For homework:

- Read R.S 1.3, pages 48-73 📘🦆

--> 'Ruby in Her Own Time' will be in the English written exam (6/18).


Bubble Book:

- Corrections - Check if there is a star '*', you will need to write the word again 4x.

- Neatly write out Week 16 vocabulary words 1 - 20 and one sentence in the bubble book.

- Write the date at the top - Thursday, 6/13

- Write the vocabulary words and number; 1 - 20

1. porch        2. short       3. corn        4. store

5. more         6. shorts     7. very        8. car

9. away       10. our        11. house    12. school

13. friends   14. glass    15. lesson    16. stripe

17. pellet     18. rise       19. cloth      20. cotton

- Here is the PPT for Vocabulary Words Week 16: W16 PPT


Conversation patterns for speaking practiceWeek 17-18

- I can't __________.


Have a terrific Thursday!



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