Week 18: Tuesday (6/11) Review Week

For homework:

- Read R.S 1.3, pages 48-73 📘🦆

--> 'Ruby in Her Own Time' will be in the English written exam (6/18).

✅Review Worksheet:

- Answers found in LINE.

Due Friday (6/14)


Bubble Book:

- Neatly write out Week 14 vocabulary words 1 - 20 and one sentence in the bubble book.

- Write the date at the top - Tuesday, 6/11

- Write the vocabulary words and number; 1 - 20

1. bring           2. trunk          3. pink        4. bank

5. sang           6. think          7. bring       8. honk

9. skunk        10. ever         11. sure     12. were

13. enough   14. every       15. any       16. own

17. football   18. baseball   19. laptop   20. swingset

- Here is the PPT for Vocabulary Words Week 14: W14 PPT

Have a fantastic Tuesday!



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