Week 17: Wednesday (6/5)

For homework,


- We will continue reading 'The Class Pet'🐁, from pages 92-105 in our Reading Street (1.3) books.


- Answers found in LINE.

Due Friday (6/8)


Bubble Book:

- Neatly write out Vocabulary Words 15 - 20 (x4) in the Bubble Book.

- Corrections - Check if there is a star '*', you will need to write the sentence again.

- Write the date at the top - Wednesday, 6/5

- Write the VWs and number; 15 - 20

- Then write 3 sentences and number each one; 1 - 3

For example:

1. There are almost forty students in the class.

2. How does the story end?

3. Some people don't like pork.

- In each sentence, underline each VW used.

- Here is the PPT for Vocabulary Words Week 17: W17 PPT

Thank you, Tr. Megan 😊


Dear parents,


Exams will be held on:


l  Listening Exam – Wednesday, June 12th, 2024

l  Oral ExamFriday, June 14th, 2024

l  Written Exam –Tuesday, June 18th, 2024


The exams may cover the following: 



·         Communication book vocabulary Weeks 13-17



Students will read a short paragraph that focuses on the vocabulary from W13-17 and use a complete sentence to answer 5 questions based on the text. They can look at the text to find answers, but they won’t see the questions. Students will be evaluated on fluency, pronunciation, intonation, and clarity.



Vocabulary Comprehension:  Vocabulary words from weeks 13-17


Story comprehension (understanding of the story):

·         Ruby in Her Own Time (RS 1.3 p52-73)

·         The Class Pet (RS 1.3 p92-105)



Students may be asked to identify:

  • Final –y as a vowel (long e/long i)
  • Final blend ng
  • Final blend nk
  • Compound words
  • Vowel digraph or
  • Vowel digraph ore


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