Week 18: Friday (6/14)

For homework:

- Read R.S 1.3, pages 92-105 📘🐭

--> 'The Class Pet' will be in the English written exam (6/18).


- Preview Week 19 vocabulary words

- W19 wordsearch


Bubble Book:

- Corrections - Check if there is a star '*', you will need to write the word again 4x.

- Neatly write out Week 17 vocabulary words 1 - 20 and one sentence in the bubble book.

- Write the date at the top - Friday, 6/14

- Write the vocabulary words and number; 1 - 20

1. score        2. fork            3. horn        4. core

5. thorn        6. storm         7. branch     8. fur

9. learn       10. problem   11. idea      12. cheer

13. clap      14. laugh       15. upset    16. corner

17. forty     18. bored       19. story      20. pork

- Here is the PPT for Vocabulary Words Week 17: W17 PPT

Have a good weekend!



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