Week 2: Monday (2/17)
For homework,
Reading: Continue reading My View 2.1, pages P23-39 🌊🦀📙 Ocean Treasures
- Answers found in LINE.
Due Wednesday (2/19)
- Short Vowel Games
Bubble Book:
- Neatly write out Vocabulary Words 1 - 8 (x4) in the Bubble Book.
- Write the date at the top - Monday, 2/17
- Write the VWs and number; 1-8
- Then write 3 sentences and number each one; 1-3
For example:
1. You'll win if you get ten.
2. There are six foxes, but only one wears a hat.
3. Sometimes it's okay to rip paper.
- Underline each VW in each sentence.
- Here is the PPT for Vocabulary Words Week 2: W2 PPT
Regards, Tr. Megan 😊
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