Week 10: Friday (11/1)

For homework : - Preview Week 11 vocabulary words - W11 word search ⭐ NOTE ⭐ - Please keep RWN & My View 1.4 at home. 🏡 - We will hand out new My View 1.5 books on Monday (11/4) . - All relevant pages have been done, but in A1, we have done a little extra to keep ourselves challenged. ✅ Sensay: Sensay Questions to be completed over the weekend. 📖📑📚 Bubble Book: - Neatly write out V ocabulary Words 13 - 24 (x4) in the Bubble Book . - Corrections - Check if there is a star ' * ', you will need to write the sentence again. - Write the date at the top - Friday, 11/1 - Write the VWs and number; 13-24 - Then write 3 sentences and number each one; 1, 2, 3 For example: 1. It's important to look after your health . 2. Doctors and nurses help us to heal . 3. Bread with cheese is a delicious snack! - Underline each VW in ...