Week 4: Tuesday (9/19)

For homework:

- Read Reading Street 1.R, P66-79 πŸ“˜


Bubble Book:

- Write out vocabulary words 8-14 in the bubble book.

- Fold the page 2x to make spaces for each vocabulary word.

- Practice writing each vocabulary word 4x neatly on the green line.

- Check corrections - Check if there is a star '*', you will need to write the vocabulary word again 4x.

- Write the date at the top - Tuesday (9/19)

- Write the vocabulary words and number; 8-14

8. was        was       was        was

9. yellow    yellow    yellow    yellow

10. do        do          do          do

11. you       you        you        you

12. look      look       look        look

13. make    make     make     make

14. play      play        play       play

- Here is the PPT for Vocabulary Words Week 4: W4 PPT

For Experience Class tomorrow (9/20):

- coloring pencils

- scissors

- glue

Thank you for your hard work!πŸ’«

Happy Tuesday!



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