Week 3: Friday (9/15)

 For homework:

- Preview Week 4 vocabulary words

Just look ahead at them, no writing needed.

- Nouns worksheet

See answers in the LINE group.

Please hand the completed worksheet inside the Communication Book.

Here are the A1 quiz results:

100%    - 1 student (Well done! 🙌)

> 90%    - 14 students

> 80%    - 7 students

> 70%    - 7 students

> 60%    - 1 student

> 50%    - 1 student

Remember, these scores don't count towards anything. 🚫 It is just practice. Students should focus on the vocabulary words and story of the week for each quiz.

Students may do corrections on their quiz paper and parents may sign the quiz paper and put it inside the Communication Book for me to find.

Enjoy your Friday!



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