Week 18: Friday (12/30)

For homework,


- We will read 'Mole and Baby Bird'🐦, from pages 52-89 in our Reading Street (1.5) books.

There will be story questions in the written exam on Wednesday, January 4th, 2023.


Weekend Homework


Have a good rest, see you next year! 😏

Thank you, Tr. Megan 😊


Dear parents,


Exams will be held on:


l  Written Exam –Wednesday, January 4th, 2023


The exams may cover the following: 



Vocabulary Comprehension:  Vocabulary words from weeks 13-16


Story comprehension (understanding of the story):

·         Mole and Baby Bird (RS1.5 pages 52-89)

·         Simple Machines (RS1.5 pages 130-165)




Students may be asked to identify:

  • Vowel Patterns ow, ou
  • Diphthongs oi, oy
  • Suffixes –er, -or
  • Vowel Patterns aw, au


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