Week 12: Tuesday (11/15)

Review week: Preparation for the 2nd monthly exams 📓


Phonics hw


- We will read 'Henry & Mudge & Mrs. Hopper's House'🐶, from pages 192-227 in our Reading Street (1.4) books.

We will read it again because there will be questions about the story in the written exam on Tuesday, 11/22.

☑Worksheet: (due Friday)

G2 HW W12

Take your time to go through the worksheet. Each section will help students to get ready for the written exam (11/22).


Bubble Book:

- We will write out our Vocabulary Words 1-24⭐⭐⭐ in our bubble book.

Practice writing each Vocabulary Word (X1) ⭐⭐⭐ neatly on the green line.

- Check corrections - Check if there is a star '*', you will need to write the sentence again.

- Write the date at the top - Tuesday (11/15)

- Write the VWs and number; 1-24 ⭐⭐⭐

- Then write 5 sentences and number each one; 1-5

Week 8 examples:

1. I have many classmates. 👦👧

2. We drew hearts on Valentine's Day cards. 💗

3. The flowers looked droopy so I was sad about it. 🥀

4. I am the only one in the bathroom. 💩

5. Stay away from harmful things!

- In each sentence, underline each VW used.

- Here is the PPT for Vocabulary Words Week 8: W8 PPT

Thank you, Tr. Megan 😊



·         Communication Book (Weeks 7-11)🌟


Students will be asked to read an unfamiliar text. They will be evaluated on fluency, pronunciation, intonation and clarity. Students will also be asked to answer comprehension questions, in full sentences, based on the unfamiliar text.



Vocabulary Comprehension:  Vocabulary words from weeks 8-11)


Story comprehension (understanding of the story):

·         Henry & Mudge & Mrs. Hopper's House

·         Tippy-Toe Chick Go!



Students may be asked to identify:

  • Suffixes -ly, -ful
  • Vowel Sound in 'moon': oo
  • Dipthongs ow, ou
  • Final Syllable -le


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