Week 17: Tuesday (5/31)

For homework,


- We will continue reading 'The Class Pet'🐁, from pages 88-105 in our Reading Street (1.3) books.

✅Worksheet 2:

- Opinion: Goatilocks and the Three Bears

Matching game:

s es match game

⭐Remember to work on your 'Show and tell' video, telling about your favorite animal.

Due next week Friday 6/10.


Bubble Book:

- We will write out our new Vocabulary Words 8-14in our bubble book. You can find these words on page 34 in the Communication Book.

Practice writing each Vocabulary Word (X4) neatly on the green line.

- Check corrections - Check if there is a star '*', you will need to write the sentence again.

- Write the date at the top - Tuesday, 5/31

- Write the VWs and number; 8-14

- Then write 3 sentences and number each one; 1, 2, 3

For example:

1. The duckling's fur is so soft!

2. How can we fix the problem?

3. I have a great idea.

- In each sentence, underline each VW used.

- Here is the PPT for Vocabulary Words Week 17: W17 PPT

Thank you, Tr. Megan 😊



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