Week 12: Tuesday (4/26)

For homework,


- We will continue reading 'A Place to Play'πŸ™†, from pages 16-33 in our new Reading Street (1.3) books.


- Please find answers in the Line Group.

The worksheet is due Friday.

RWN Review:

We have a worksheet revising the RWN.


Bubble Book:

- We will write out our new Vocabulary Words 8-14in our bubble book. You can find these words on page 24 in the Communication Book.

Fold the page in half (X2) to practice writing each Vocabulary Word (X4) neatly on the green line.

- Check corrections - Check if there is a star '*', you will need to write the sentence again.

- Write the date at the top - Tuesday, 4/26

- Write the VWs and number; 8-14

- Then write 3 sentences and number each one; 1, 2, 3

For example:

1. I am so hungry, I could eat a horse!

2. That sunset is colorful.

3. There is a rainbow because there was rain.

- In each sentence, underline each VW used.

- Here is the PPT for Vocabulary Words Week 12: W12 PPT

Thank you, Tr. Megan 😊


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