
Showing posts from February, 2022

Week 4: Tuesday (3/1)

For   homework , Reading: -  We will begin reading ' Farmer in the Hat ' 👒 , from pages  48 - 59  in our  new   Reading Street (1.2)  books. ✅Worksheet: -  We have gone through it. Please also find  answers in the Line Group . The worksheet only needs to be completed by Friday. 📖📑📚 Bubble Book: -  We will write out our  new Vocabulary Words  1-9 (<- Please note) ,  in our  Writers Book   (bubble book) . You can find these words on  page 8  in the  Communication Book . Fold the page in half (X2) to practice writing each Vocabulary Word (X4) neatly on the  green  line. - Check corrections  - Check if there is a star ' * ', you will need to write the sentence again. - Write the date at the top  -   Tuesday, 3/1 - Write the VWs and number;  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 - Then write 3 sentences and number each one;  1, 2, 3, 4 For example: 1.  The teacher...

Week 3: Friday (2/25)

Today, we completed our A1 week 3 test.✨ The results are: 100% 6 students (hooray!) >90% 12 students >80% 8 students >70% 1 student >60% 1 student >30% 1 student Please sign the top right box, keep it inside the Communication Book and return it to school on Monday. Once I have checked it, it will be sent back home for you to keep.🏡 There is no need to hand in the  bubble book  on Tuesday.⛔ Test corrections: -  Correct any mistakes on the test. Thank you, Tr. Megan. 😊

Week 3: Thursday (2/24)

Continue reading ' A Big Fish for Max ' in Reading Street  (1.2) , pages  16  - 33 . ⭐Study hard, and keep practicing Week 3 Vocabulary Words. ⭐Remember to hand in the  worksheet tomorrow  in your communication book, if you haven't already. ⭐There is  no  need to hand in the bubble books tomorrow. Here is the  PPT  for Vocabulary Words Week 3:  W3 PPT Please bring  coloring   p e n c i l s  for tomorrow's English activity after the quiz. Thank you, Tr. Megan 😊

Week 3: Wednesday (2/23)

For   homework , Reading:` -  We will continue reading ' A Big Fish for Max ' 🎣🐰 , from pages  16 - 33  in our  new   Reading Street (1.2)  books. ✅Worksheet: The worksheet needs to be completed by Friday . Noun worksheet: - Circle the nouns. 📖📑📚 Bubble Book: -  We will write out our  new Vocabulary Words  13-18 ,  in our  Writers Book   (bubble book) . You can find these words on  page 6  in the  Communication Book . Fold the page in half (X2) to practice writing each Vocabulary Word (X4) neatly on the  green  line. - Check corrections  - Check if there is a star ' * ', you will need to write the sentence again. - Write the date at the top  -   Wednesday, 2/23 - Write the VWs and number;  13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 - Then write 3 sentences and number each one;  1, 2, 3 For example: 1.  Clean up that trash . 2.  My grandma loves me very much! 3.  Look at t...

Week 3: Tuesday (2/22)

For   homework , -  We will continue reading ' A Big Fish for Max ' 🎣🐰 , from pages  16 - 33  in our  new   Reading Street (1.2)  books. ✅Worksheet: The worksheet only needs to be completed by Friday. Noun worksheet: -  Color the nouns the correct color. - Follow the instructions: Blue: Person Nouns Green: Places Red: Things (It is ok if the word 'police'  is colored blue or green.) 📖📑📚 Bubble Book: -  We will write out our  new Vocabulary Words  7-12 ,  in our  Writers Book   (bubble book) . You can find these words on  page 6  in the  Communication Book . Fold the page in half (X2) to practice writing each Vocabulary Word (X4) neatly on the  green  line. - Check corrections  - Check if there is a star ' * ', you will need to write the sentence again. - Write the date at the top  -   Tuesday, 2/22 - Write the VWs and number;  7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 - Then write ...

Week 3: Monday (2/21)

For   homework , Reading: -  We will begin reading ' A Big Fish for Max' 🎣🐰 , from pages  16 - 33  in our  new   Reading Street (1.2)  books. Today's game: - Here is today's game:  Game Show -  Have fun choosing the correct words to finish the sentences. ✅Worksheet: -  We have gone through it. Please also find  answers in the Line Group . The worksheet only needs to be completed by Friday. 📖📑📚 Bubble Book: -  We will write out our  new Vocabulary Words  1-6 ,  in our  Writers Book   (bubble book) . You can find these words on  page 6  in the  Communication Book . Fold the page in half (X2) to practice writing each Vocabulary Word (X4) neatly on the  green  line. - Check corrections  - Check if there is a star ' * ', you will need to write the sentence again. - Write the date at the top  -   Monday, 2/21 - Write the VWs and number;  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 - Th...

Week 2: Friday (2/18)

Today, we completed our A1 week 2 quiz.✨ The results are: 100% 3 students (hooray!) >90% 15 students >80% 9 students >70% 1 student >60% 1 student >40% 1 student Please sign the top right box, keep it inside the Communication Book and return it to school on Monday. Once I have checked it, it will be sent back home for you to keep.🏡 There is no need to hand in the  bubble book  on Monday.⛔ Quiz corrections: -  Please correct any mistakes on the quiz. Thank you, Tr. Megan. 😊

Week 2: Thursday (2/17)

Continue reading ' A Big Fish for Max ' in Reading Street  (1.2) , pages  16  - 33 . ⭐Study hard, and keep practicing Week 2 Vocabulary Words. ⭐Remember to hand in the  worksheet tomorrow  in your communication book, if you haven't already. ⭐⭐There is  no  need to hand in the bubble books tomorrow. Here is the PPT for Vocabulary Words Week 2:  W2 PPT Bring  scissors, glue and coloring   p e n c i l s  for tomorrow's English activity after the quiz. Thank you, Tr. Megan 😊

Week 2: Wednesday (2/16)

For   homework , Reading: -  We will continue reading ' A Big Fish for Max ' 🎣🐰 , from pages  16 - 33  in our  new   Reading Street (1.2)  books. ✅Worksheet: The worksheet needs to be completed by Friday . 📖📑📚 Bubble Book: -  We will write out our  new Vocabulary Words  13-18 ,  in our  Writers Book   (bubble book) . You can find these words on  page 4  in the  Communication Book . Fold the page in half (X2) to practice writing each Vocabulary Word (X4) neatly on the  green  line. - Check corrections  - Check if there is a star ' * ', you will need to write the sentence again. - Write the date at the top  -   Wednesday, 2/16 - Write the VWs and number;  13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 - Then write 3 sentences and number each one;  1, 2, 3 For example: 1.  All of the teachers are good . 2.   Put away your bowl, it's time for class. 3.  Turn in your Communication ...

Week 2: Tuesday (2/15)

For   homework , Reading: -  We will continue reading ' A Big Fish for Max ' 🎣🐰 , from pages  16 - 33  in our  new   Reading Street (1.2)  books. - I will go through the whole story tomorrow. ✅Worksheet: The worksheet only needs to be completed by Friday. Letter writing: 📨 Students will write a letter to a friend . Students are free to write any idea they want, as long as: - they try their best to spell correctly , - remember a capital letter (big letter) in the front, - and a period (question mark or exclamation mark) at the end of each sentence. If students need more time to think, they can hand it in on Thursday. 📖📑📚 Bubble Book: -  We will write out our  new Vocabulary Words  7-12 ,  in our  Writers Book   (bubble book) . You can find these words on  page 4  in the  Communication Book . Fold the page in half (X2) to practice writing each Vocabulary Word (X4) neatly on the  green  line. ...

Week 2: Monday (2/14)

We started our class with a rule check and added some rules to make sure  we all understand and know the rules. Only 22 students brought their Reader's and Writer's Notebooks (RWN). Please make sure to bring them tomorrow.🌟 For   homework , Reading: -  We will begin reading ' A Big Fish for Max ' 🎣🐰 , from pages 16 - 24  in our new   Reading Street (1.2)  books. ✅Worksheet: - We have gone through it. Please also find  answers in the Line Group . The worksheet only needs to be completed by Friday. 📖📑📚 Bubble Book: -  We will write out our  new Vocabulary Words  1-6 ,  in our  Writers Book   (bubble book) . You can find these words on  page 4  in the  Communication Book . Fold the page in half (X2) to practice writing each Vocabulary Word (X4) neatly on the  green  line. - Check corrections  - Check if there is a star ' * ', you will need to write the sentence again. - Write the date at ...

Week 1: Friday (2/11)

I hope you have had a wonderful and refreshing holiday. 😄 I have checked the holiday homework, class 102, so you may make corrections if any. Other homeroom teachers may take their time to grade the holiday homework, if you don't receive it today, don't worry! Thank you for bringing the necessary books back to class: - RWN 1.1 - Phonics book - Science book (& Grammar book) You should have received your new Communication Book and New Reading Street Book 1.2 today. 🎆 Leave the Reading Street Book at home 🏡 for convenience. 🎇 Please note :🎇 There is no need to hand in the Communication books on Monday because we haven't started writing in it. Homework : Review week 2 vocabulary words Thank you have a wonderful weekend, Tr. Megan 😊