Week 2: Tuesday (9/7)

Today we started working in our phonics book. We practiced Aa -> Zz at the start, and did some matching practice and rhyming practice.

For homework:

Remember to revise the story, 'Sam' in Reading Street, every night. Leave this book at home.🏑

Continue to complete the 4 worksheets as preparation for the quiz. Hand it back to me by Friday.

And make 4 sentences in the writers book. -> See below:

Fold the page in half (x2) like we did before. (See picture in Line)

1. Sam and Tam.

2. Sam sat.

3. I see Tam.

4. Tam sat.

*Please remember '.' at the end of the sentence. (But if they forget, we will improve on this throughout the year😏)

Tomorrow we will need:

- coloring pencils

- scissors

- glue

(Better to bring our own)

We will use these in Experience class. Also remind students when their birthday is, because we are making a birthday poster!

Thank you for your hard work!πŸ’«


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