
Showing posts from December, 2024

Week 17: Thursday (12/19)

         For   homework , Reading:  Continue  reading  My View 1.5 , pages  P145-159  ☔ 📙  My Autumn Book Bring c o l o r  pencils on Monday for Final Writing !  (12/23) DOJO Fun: 👾 This is just for fun, students can login and see if they like it ~  Login Information ⭐ Savvas Realize:⭐ ~  Login Page Please make some time to login to Savvas Realize. There are some simple assignments due for  Monday,   12/23 . I'll add more assignments in the near future.                                                                                                                                 ...

Week 17: Wednesday (12/18)

      For   homework , Reading:  Continue  reading  My View 1.5 , pages  P145-159  ☔ 📙  My Autumn Book ⭐ Study hard for the Thurs day Quiz happening tomorrow (12/19) !  ⭐ Bring c o l o r pencils and phonics tomorrow! (12/19) ✅Worksheet: - Answers found in  LINE . Due Friday  (12/20)                                                                                                                                         📖📑📚 Bubble Book: -   Neatly  write out V ocabulary Words  17 - 24 (x4)   in the   Bubble Book . - Corrections  - Check if there is a star ' ...

Week 17: Tuesday (12/17)

        For   homework , Reading:  Continue  reading  My View 1.5 , pages  P145-159  ☔ 📙  My Autumn Book                                                                                                                             📖📑📚 Bubble Book: -   Neatly  write out V ocabulary Words  9 - 16 (x4)   in the   Bubble Book . - Corrections  - Check if there is a star ' * ', you will need to write the sentence again. - Write the date at the top  -   Tuesday, 12/17 - Write the VWs and number;  9-16 - Then write 3 sentences and number each one;  1, 2, 3 For example: 1.  The chi...

Week 17: Monday (12/16)

         For   homework , Reading:  Begin  reading  My View 1.5 , pages  P145-151  ☔ 📙  My Autumn Book ⭐Please bring  My View 1.5  back to school 🏫 tomorrow (12/17) so we can continue working in it! ✅Worksheet: - Answers found in  LINE . Due Wednesday  (12/18)                                                                                                                                                                     📖📑📚 Bubble Book: -   Neatly  write out V ocabulary Words  1 - 8 (x...

Week 16: Friday (12/13)

        For  homework : - Preview Week 17 vocabulary words - W17  word search Sensay: Sensay Questions to be completed over the weekend. 📖📑📚 Bubble Book: - Check corrections  - Check if there is a star ' * ', you will need to write the sentence again. Here are the  A1 Test results: 100%       -  1 student (Well done! 🙌) > 90%     - 29 students > 80%     - 3 students Please sign the top right box on the  Test , keep it inside the Communication Book and return it to school on Monday. Once I've written  'OK'  on it, it'll be sent back home for you to keep.🏡 Test corrections: -  Correct any mistakes on the Test. Enjoy your weekend!

Week 16: Thursday (12/12)

        For   homework , Reading:  Continue  reading  My View 1.5 , pages  P109-117  ☔ 📙  In Spring ⭐ Study hard for the  Friday Test . ⭐                                                                                                                                       📖📑📚 Bubble Book: - Corrections  - Check if there is a star ' * ', you will need to write the sentence again. -  Here is the  PPT  for Vocabulary Words Week 16:  W16 PPT Thank you, Tr. Megan 😊

Week 16: Wednesday (12/11)

      For   homework , Reading:  Continue  reading  My View 1.5 , pages  P109-117  ☔ 📙  In Spring ✅Worksheet: - Answers found in  LINE . Due Friday  (11/29)                                                                                                                                         📖📑📚 Bubble Book: -   Neatly  write out V ocabulary Words  17 - 24 (x4)   in the   Bubble Book . - Corrections  - Check if there is a star ' * ', you will need to write the sentence again. - Write the date at the top  -   Wednesday, 12/11 - Write the VWs and number...

Week 16: Tuesday (12/10)

       For   homework , Reading:  Continue  reading  My View 1.5 , pages  P109-117  ☔ 📙  In Spring                                                                                                                            📖📑📚 Bubble Book: -   Neatly  write out V ocabulary Words  9 - 16 (x4)   in the   Bubble Book . - Corrections  - Check if there is a star ' * ', you will need to write the sentence again. - Write the date at the top  -   Tuesday, 12/10 - Write the VWs and number;  9-16 - Then write 3 sentences and number each one;  1, 2, 3 For example: 1.  Have you been ...

Week 16: Monday (12/9)

        For   homework , Reading:  Continue  reading  My View 1.5 , pages  P109-117  ☔ 📙  In Spring ⭐Please bring  My View 1.5  back to school 🏫 tomorrow (12/10) so we can continue working in it! ✅Worksheet: - Answers found in  LINE . Due Wednesday  (12/11)                                                                                                                                                                     📖📑📚 Bubble Book: -   Neatly  write out V ocabulary Words  1 - 8 (x4) ...

Week 15: Friday (12/6)

        For  homework : - Preview Week 16 vocabulary words - W16  word search Sensay: Sensay Reading  to be completed over the weekend. 📖📑📚 Bubble Book: - Check corrections  - Check if there is a star ' * ', you will need to write the sentence again. Here are the  A1 Quiz results: 100%      1  student (Well done! 🙌) > 90%     - 27 students > 80%     - 5 students 1 student absent. Please sign the top right box on the  Quiz , keep it inside the Communication Book and return it to school on Monday. Once I've written  'OK'  on it, it'll be sent back home for you to keep.🏡 Quiz corrections: -  Correct any mistakes on the Quiz. Enjoy your weekend!

Week 15: Thursday (12/5)

      For   homework , Reading:  Continue reading  My View 1.5 , pages  P109-117  ☔ 📙  In Spring ⭐ Study hard for the  Friday Quiz . ⭐                                                                                                                                        📖📑📚 Bubble Book: -   Neatly  write out V ocabulary Words  17 - 24 (x4)   in the   Bubble Book . - Corrections  - Check if there is a star ' * ', you will need to write the sentence again. - Write the date at the top  -   Thursday, 12/5 - Write the VWs and number;  17-24 - Then write 3 senten...

Week 15: Wednesday (12/4)

        For   homework , Reading:  Continue  reading  My View 1.5 , pages  P109-117  ☔ 📙  In Spring ✅Worksheet: - Answers found in  LINE . Due Friday  (12/6)                                                                                                                                  📖📑📚 Bubble Book: -   Neatly  write out V ocabulary Words  9 - 16 (x4)   in the   Bubble Book . - Corrections  - Check if there is a star ' * ', you will need to write the sentence again. - Write the date at the top  -   Wednesday, 12/4 - Write the VWs and number;  9-16 - The...

Week 15: Tuesday (12/3)

        For   homework , Reading:  Begin  reading  My View 1.5 , pages  P109-117  ☔ 📙  In Spring ✅Worksheet: - Answers found in  LINE . Due Wednesday  (12/4)                                                                                                                                                                     📖📑📚 Bubble Book: -   Neatly  write out V ocabulary Words  1 - 8 (x4)   in the   Bubble Book . - Write the date at the top  -   Tuesday, 12/3 - Write the VWs and numb...